Mabila – os selv – MabilaBlog 3D-print på dansk Thu, 12 Nov 2015 17:09:46 +0000 da-DK hourly 1 Låste 3D-modeller Thu, 12 Nov 2015 16:59:20 +0000 http://z2/?p=18 ]]> Vi blev spurgt, om vi ville dele vores designs på (endnu) en ny tjeneste, hvor man skal kunne downloade 3D-modeller begrænset til at kunne printes én gang, eller kun til, selv at kunne og så videre. Der er ikke meget tvivl om at spørgsmålet kommer fra en maskine, der bare har opdaget at vi har offentliggjort modeller på andre tjenester som f.eks. Thingiverse. Uanset, her er svaret:

Here at Mabila we like to remember that this whole new industry came about because of free sharing of information, including models.

While we have no beef with designers trying to earn a living by doing what they do best, for the foreseeable future our own work is freely downloadable and we currently consider DRM as downright opposed to the principles that gave life to our business opportunity.

You use the term “professionalize the industry”. I read that to mean “close down, alienate hobbyists and prevent others from doing what we ourselves have only been able to do because of the openness, just the way Makerbot destryoyed their reputation”.

I might be wrong in the long run, of course, but as things are right now, that’s where we stand.

Our business is selling 3D printer kits to those who do not want to source their own, not selling our designs.
